Packages for mpd_oled

mpd_oled displays an information screen including a music frequency spectrum on an OLED screen connected to a Raspberry Pi running Moode, Volumio and rAudio (RuneAudio fork). This page is a reference of available packages. Please review the mpd_oled documentation for instructions on how to install and configure the packages.

Latest Package

Package Details

Released: 24-06-2023 (commit aaaca86). See README.
Debian binary package: mpd-oled_0.2+202306240927+aaaca86_armhf.deb (suitable for Moode and Volumio)
Source code: mpd_oled-0.2+202306240927+aaaca86.tar.gz (configure; make; sudo make install)

Install instructions for Moode

The following commands will install the latest mpd_oled binary package on Moode

wget -N
sudo bash

Install instructions for Volumio

The following commands will install the latest mpd_oled binary package on Volumio

wget -N
sudo bash

Older Packages

Check the commit history. Use the latest package (above) unless there is a reason for using an older version.